Earth Day Needs a New Name

I love Earth Day, but I think it could use a new name. Some awful suggestions to consider: 

People Day 

Community Day

Day of Togetherness

I am obviously not a branding professional! But the name Earth Day conveys a focus on the planet, when what we really need to focus on is how the solutions to our climate crisis are going to need all of us to put community (and humanity!) at the center of our choices, every day. 

What could this new People/Community/Togetherness Day focus on?

  • Sharing. We have more than enough stuff to support one another. How can we make sure all our things are used until they’re truly broken? Donating materials to the ReBuilding Center is just one way to do this – think hard about replacing something that can be repaired, and definitely don’t trash something that has more life in it. Find it a new home.

  • Using our resources to support our local community. My favorite example of this: you can buy a new door at a big box store for $900 or you can buy a used door at ReBuilding Center for $200 and pay a local craftsperson $700 to make it shine. Same amount of money, but the second option provides support for two members of the local economy  instead of one national conglomerate - all while giving your home unique character and charm! 

  • Slowing down. The age of Amazon has made us so impatient. My kids are always asking why they can’t have something TOMORROW, why do we have to go to the store in the neighborhood instead of just ordering online? Community sustainability of all sorts will require us to slow our expectations and prioritize choices that will support our neighbors.

  • Learning how to fix things. Not only can you save a lot of money by avoiding having to buy something new, you can reclaim the joy of working with your hands (so many of us desk workers crave that joy!). There is so much empowerment in being able to fix it yourself! And you can fix things for your neighbors, too. (We have classes for this!)

  • Advocating for thriving wages, universal health care, and work/life balance. This is what personal sustainability looks like, and without it we won’t have the time or energy to push for the bigger solutions to the climate crisis.

  • Being ok with inconvenience. Eating less meat, buying and beautifying a used door, fixing something instead of buying new…these things are all less convenient than the alternatives. And alone they’re not much. But together we can do this!

Do you share our vision for a community focused Earth Month? Now is the time to join our community of supporters to help sustain our work to make home repair affordable, fun, and sustainable all year long.

Join us by becoming a member or donating materials today! (We will come pick them up – how convenient!)

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