Please Pardon Our Dust - ReBuilding Center Building News

Big News!

The ReBuilding Center is preparing for a very big change! Last month, the ReBuilding Center Board of Directors approved a motion to sell one of our buildings along Mississippi Avenue in 2021. Located just south of our administrative offices and education shop, the building currently houses our front-facing donation intake area, cabinets, appliances, and plumbing.
Where will you be able to find reclaimed cabinets, appliances, and plumbing?
At the ReBuilding Center! We will continue to receive and sell all of these categories of items, and we currently have a staff team working hard to find room in our remaining three store buildings for as much of our current inventory as possible. While this building will be empty and closed to the public by July, we have a lot of space remaining and we are excited to evolve our floor plan to serve our community even better! We’ll continue to welcome drive-through material donations and shoppers-by-appointment during designated hours via our alleyway entrance. When you visit for your shopping appointment, you’ll see the inventory migration in progress!
Why are we selling one of our buildings?
Unfortunately, the building has become structurally compromised and requires a new roof and truss stabilization within the next six months to remain safe and inhabitable. Facing this $500,000 expense during uncertain economic times, we have decided instead to reinvest in our remaining property and the people that we employ. Our leadership is committed to exploring options to keep the property in service to our Portland community and our immediate neighborhood.
How will this benefit the ReBuilding Center?
We plan to use the proceeds of this sale as a cushion during future lean times, to support planned growth, and to ensure good wages, training, and development for the ReBuilding Center team.
Although we are not yet placing the building on the market, and it will likely be at least a year or two before we have a suitable buyer, the sale of this parcel will help us become a stronger, more sustainable organization that can continue to serve our community and advocate for climate justice, reuse, and repair for years to come. Our community needs our services, our planet needs less consumption, and our team needs the stability that these funds will help provide.
Is the ReBuilding Center in trouble?
No. We are certainly experiencing a downturn in revenue, and we have had to let some very good people go over the past few weeks. Like most nonprofits and small businesses, we are not yet out of the woods, but we have a great plan in place and a generous community surrounding us. Thank you for your continued support, especially during these difficult times. Please continue to shop with us and, if you can, make a gift or become a Salvage Supporter Member to support our work!

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