Women in Trades Fair
On Saturday May 16th individuals from ReFind Furniture and DeConstruction services will be participating in the Women in Trades Career Fair. This great event offers an opportunity to learn about careers in construction-related trades and to participate in hands-on activities. Attendance is free and no advanced registration is required. Read more about this event below or visit http://www.tradeswomen.net/. See you there!
17th Annual Women in Trades Career Fair
Come discover high-paying careers in the construction-related trades during the 17TH Annual Women in Trades Career Fair. Participate in hands-on activities such as operating heavy equipment, framing a house, climbing utility poles, wiring light switches, soldering copper pipes, welding, exploring solar power, learning about eco-roofs and many other trades related learning activities. Everyone is invited. Attendance is Free. No advance registration is required.
Meet successful tradeswomen role models, including electricians, carpenters, heavy equipment operators, line workers, plumbers, and more. Learn about apprenticeship programs and community college programs training opportunities.
Valerie Garrett from the Green Building Hotline will be giving two presentations on Saturday, May 16th: Green Building 101 at 10:00 am and Green Home Remodeling at 1:00 pm.
City of Portland will have a master recycler at their exhibit booth all day Saturday offering information on recycling, composting, green building, etc.
Attend a variety of free workshops, including five workshops focused on the green future of the trades:
- Explore Wind Power with Local 48
- Discover Solar Energy with NECA/IBEW
- Tour an Eco-House with Home Depot
- Find out about Electrogenerbike with Bonneville Power Administration
- Learn about Eco Roofs with Greater Portland Roofers and Waterproofers
Fair organizers have also made changes to the way the fair is run that are eco-friendly, such as eliminating hundreds of plastic water bottles and purchasing re-usable aluminum containers for water and coffee and reducing the amount of paper used to produce the event.
9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Saturday, May 16, 2009
NECA/IBEW Electrical Training Center
16021 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR
Free Admission
Free parking
Free childcare
Free eco-shuttle provided from Gateway Transit Center.