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sustainable woodworking: Squatting Stool Workshop
Join Dykes With Drills at the ReBuilding Center for this fun beginner workshop and learn to make a squatting stool! In this workshop, participants will learn to safely use a variety of tools to make their own squatting stool. Participants will also learn about “finishing” techniques (sanding, staining, painting, polyurethaning, etc.) to personalize their squatting stool but finishing will be done on your own time. No prior woodworking experience required.
Topics covered:
Measuring & marking accurately
Using chop saws safely
Drills and drivers
Using finish nail guns
Skill level: This class is ideal for beginners ages 18 and over as well as 16 and 17 year-olds with parent or guardian permission.
Class Schedule: Class will run for 4 hours with no break planned
Price: TBD